Hot Tubs Minneapolis, St. Paul Spa Dealer Opens New Store in Plymouth, MN

Thursday, April 24th, 2014

Time to Invest in Home Hydrotherapy – Hot Tubs Edina, Portable Spas Bloomington, MN

Friday, March 28th, 2014

Time to Invest in Home Hydrotherapy – Hot Tubs Edina, Portable Spas Bloomington, MN

Friday, March 28th, 2014

3 Things You Never Knew You Needed That Can Enhance Your Quality of Life – Hot Tubs Edina, Portable

Tuesday, March 25th, 2014

3 Things You Never Knew You Needed That Can Enhance Your Quality of Life – Hot Tubs Edina, Portable

Tuesday, March 25th, 2014

Try a Portable Spa for Back Pain Relief – Hot Tubs Minnetonka, Eden Prairie, Minnesota

Sunday, February 23rd, 2014

Try a Portable Spa for Back Pain Relief – Hot Tubs Minnetonka, Eden Prairie, Minnesota

Sunday, February 23rd, 2014

Millions of Americans suffer from back pain. In fact, it’s the number one reason for missing work. Whether it’s a chronic condition or a one-time thing, all back pain is debilitating and finding relief is priority one. Yet despite what you may think, bed rest is not how to ease the pain, and you’re not alone if you’re wondering how in the world to get relief. While over the counter medication is one route, an easier, more natural alternative to drugs is soaking in a hot tub. Here’s how to use a hot tub for back pain relief.

Heat and Massage for Muscle Relaxation - Chances are you’ve been injured at one point in life and you were told to apply ice followed by heat. The reason why is because ice reduces swelling with a new injury, as in a sprained ankle or injured knee. However, for chronic pain, or injuries that are no longer fresh, heat is the better option. Heat relaxes and loosens tissues which stimulate blood flow to the affected area, reducing pain. It also has an instant soothing affect. Soaking in a hot tub filled with hot water as powerful massaging jets target a sore back is an easy and convenient way to experience relief on contact.

Buoyancy Means No Strain or Pressure - Back pain is often accompanied by the discomfort that comes from trying to get comfortable. Lying down doesn’t work, sitting in a chair is even worse and standing is simply awful. When you can’t get comfortable, easing back pain is nearly impossible. Lounging in a hot tub is the perfect way to take advantage of the buoyancy that water creates. That feeling of floating or weightlessness takes pressure off muscles, letting you relax without pressure. Buoyancy reduces body weight by as much as 90 percent, so you can finally get comfortable.

Easy Stretching to Relieve Stiffness - Health care practitioners will recommend light stretching to relieve symptoms of back pain, yet in most cases, any movement is painful and stretching is the last thing you want to do. Elevated heat from a hot tub warms larger muscles of the back in preparation for stretching, making it easier to move without feeling resistance. Plus, movement encourages blood flow and improves circulation, which relieves stiffness and helps back muscles heal faster.

Fighting back pain is a billion dollar industry and you’re not alone of you’ve spent countless dollars and energy trying to find relief. Luckily, sitting in a hot tub is a highly effective and cost efficient way to target sore back muscles with intense heat and powerful massage, bringing the relief you need to feel better fast.

Hot Tubs Minnetonka, Eden Prairie, Minnesota

To help people understand how hydrotherapy can help improve overall health and well-being, we will provide free hot tub test soaks in our 5 locations during the entire month. We want to encourage local consumers to check out the benefits of a relaxing soak in an energy efficient hot tub for themselves.

Consumers wanting to learn are encouraged to pick up a copy of our free buyer’s guide, “7 Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Buy a Hot Tub.” Just go to:

About Hot Spring Spas of Minnesota and Iowa
HotSpring Spas of Minnesota and Iowa offer a large selection of new and used hot tubs and saunas for sale and a variety of hot tub, sauna, repairs, parts, and accessories. We are Minnesota's and Iowa’s premier source for Hot Spring Spas and Hot Tubs, Saunatec and Finnleo Saunas, A & B Backyard Accessories, and proudly carry the SilkBalance for Spas water treatment system. To learn more, pick up a copy of our free buyer’s guide, “7 Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Buy a Hot Tub.” Just go to:

Considering a Hot Tub This Spring? Here’s What You Should Know – Hot Tubs Minnetonka, Eden Prairie

Tuesday, February 18th, 2014

Considering a Hot Tub This Spring? Here’s What You Should Know – Hot Tubs Minnetonka, Eden Prairie

Tuesday, February 18th, 2014

The holidays are barely over and you’re thinking about spring. And why not? With so many things to plan, getting ready and prepared ahead of time for the warm weather is a smart strategy and one way to ensure success. If you’re considering investing in a hot tub this spring, there are a few things you should know that can help you make the most informed purchase. Taking a few minutes now to brush up on some facts will ensure you make the right decision later when it counts.

Price is Only One Variable to Consider - Cost is a big factor in making a large purchase, and the goal is to get a great product at a great price. But value has to be considered in more than just price point because the right hot tub for you may not always be the least expensive. It’s always worth a little extra up front to secure quality and almost always a better return when your hot tub is still running smoothly next year instead of broken down collecting dust. Besides, with energy efficient features, many of the best models have operating costs well below standard hot tubs which saves you money over the long run.

A Quality Dealership Matters…A Lot - It’s easy to see why folks assume all hot tub dealerships are the same. They all have fantastic showrooms, they all have shiny hot tubs and they all welcome you with a smile. But that’s about where the similarities end, because the right dealership can mean the difference between a stress free experience now- and later. What should you look for in a dealer? Find dealers with business longevity, who are trusted members of the community, not just a warehouse with inventory. Also, look for an in-house service team. If and when you need maintenance, it’s good to know you dealer has expertise and isn’t outsourcing work that takes months to complete.

Try Out The Hot Tub Before You Buy - Here’s something first time buyers are astonished to learn- you can use a hot tub in the store. Sure, you have to schedule an appointment, but if you’re a serious candidate, any reputable dealer will have test models for you to experiment with. Actually getting in the unit will help you choose the best seating configuration, jet positioning and more. You wouldn’t buy a car without test driving it first- you shouldn’t consider purchasing a hot tub without at least getting your feet wet.

Investing in your very own hot tub is an exciting experience. The idea of having access to on demand massage, relaxation, and more from the comforts of home is why so many buyers rush in without thinking it through. Take a few minutes and plan your purchasing strategy, and you’re more likely to buy a quality hot tub that’s sure to bring family fun, improved health, and happiness for years to come.

Hot Tubs Minnetonka, Eden Prairie, Minnesota

To help people understand how hydrotherapy can help improve overall health and well-being, we will provide free hot tub test soaks in our 5 locations during the entire month. We want to encourage local consumers to check out the benefits of a relaxing soak in an energy efficient hot tub for themselves.

Consumers wanting to learn are encouraged to pick up a copy of our free buyer’s guide, “7 Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Buy a Hot Tub.” Just go to:

About Hot Spring Spas of Minnesota and Iowa
HotSpring Spas of Minnesota and Iowa offer a large selection of new and used hot tubs and saunas for sale and a variety of hot tub, sauna, repairs, parts, and accessories. We are Minnesota's and Iowa’s premier source for Hot Spring Spas and Hot Tubs, Saunatec and Finnleo Saunas, A & B Backyard Accessories, and proudly carry the SilkBalance for Spas water treatment system. To learn more, pick up a copy of our free buyer’s guide, “7 Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Buy a Hot Tub.” Just go to:

Improve Sleep With Three Proven Tricks – Hot Tubs Golden Valley, St. Louis Park, MN

Monday, January 27th, 2014

How well you rest at night directly impacts how you feel during the day, yet millions of people have difficulty sleeping. Whether it’s tossing and turning, an inability to fall asleep or just an uneasy restlessness that makes it impossible to get comfortable, not getting adequate sleep is a common complaint for folks of all ages. If you’ve tried everything, and you’re still not finding relief, here are three proven tricks for getting the rest you need.

Create a Consistent Sleep-Wake Cycle - Believe it or not, the human body performs better when there is some regularity and consistency to what it does. One of the most important strategies for improving sleep is to create a consistent sleep-wake schedule. When you go off to bed and get up around the same time every day, it’s much easier to fall asleep. It’s about getting in sync with your body’s natural circadian rhythm, or the pattern of awake-sleep that fits your specific needs best. Stick to a schedule and those 5 or 6 hours you do get will find you more refreshed, more rejuvenated and ready to face the day.

Stay Out of Your Own Head - It may sound silly, but how often do you worry or brainstorm ideas while wrestling with falling asleep? The truth is most people fill their head replaying events that took place during the day, forcing the brain to work overtime, reducing the chance of drifting off peacefully. If you find that you’re thinking about non-sleep activities, remind yourself to stop and make it a point to put work-related ideas or worrisome thoughts on the back burner until the morning. By making a conscious effort to leave distracting thoughts alone, you calm the mind, which significantly increases the likelihood of falling asleep.

Soak in a Hot Tub - An easy way to transition the body from awake to sleep without any effort at all is to soak in the warm, relaxing water of a hot tub. Hot tub bathing is ideal for calming the body and preparing the mind to slow down and rest. Warm, massaging water is soothing and it naturally relaxes stiff, tight muscles and joints that make it difficult to rest comfortably. But there’s more to it than that, because the elevated heat of a hot tub raises core body temperature and increases blood flow. When you get out of the tub, your body temperature drops, which signals the brain that it’s time to sleep.

Learning how to sleep better takes practice, but with time and a few good tips, even the worst restlessness can be a thing of the past. Set a sleep schedule and try to stick to it, practice putting aside distracting thoughts until morning and consider soaking your way to a deep peaceful sleep with a pre-bedtime dip in the warm, massaging water of a hot tub.

Hot Tubs Golden Valley, St. Louis Park, MN

To help people understand how hydrotherapy can help improve overall health and well-being, we will provide free hot tub test soaks in our 5 locations during the entire month. We want to encourage local consumers to check out the benefits of a relaxing soak in an energy efficient hot tub for themselves.

Consumers wanting to learn are encouraged to pick up a copy of our free buyer’s guide, “7 Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Buy a Hot Tub.” Just go to:

About Hot Spring Spas of Minnesota and Iowa
HotSpring Spas of Minnesota and Iowa offer a large selection of new and used hot tubs and saunas for sale and a variety of hot tub, sauna, repairs, parts, and accessories. We are Minnesota's and Iowa’s premier source for Hot Spring Spas and Hot Tubs, Saunatec and Finnleo Saunas, A & B Backyard Accessories, and proudly carry the SilkBalance for Spas water treatment system. To learn more, pick up a copy of our free buyer’s guide, “7 Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Buy a Hot Tub.” Just go to: