Miss summer already? With all the kids going back to school (or starting school for the first time!), September makes life hectic.
New schedules, new faces, first day jitters.....it can be a lot for kids to adjust to. And when you add parents and their schedules into the mix, September is one of the most stressful times of the year for a family. Luckily, there's a solution to soothe all that stress: a warm bubbly spa.
How can a spa help a family deal with stress this fall?
Here are a couple of ways a hot tub can help you deal with the stress of September:
Quality Family Time
Much has been made of the importance of “quality time” with your family. That can be hard when the kids have sports practice to get to, a laptop to do homework on, and an ipod in their ears. By scheduling a time for the entire family to jump in the spa, you remove all distractions. A nice soak for the entire family will give you time to talk about events of the day, or whatever else comes to mind—all while relaxing you.
You'll be surprised how open and forthcoming children can be when they're soaking in a warm spa, calm and relaxed. Wouldn't it be nice to get a better answer than “fine” when you ask how their day was?
Soaking will alleviate stress for everyone, and not just the adults in the family. Kids can deal with a lot of stress during the school year, and a personal spa will melt away tension for kids just as easily as it does for their parents.
Stress is just one of the health issues that improves with time in a personal spa. Hot tubs improve circulation, soothe muscles and provide a variety of other health benefits. When you tell the kids to jump in the hot tub, you can feel good about looking out for their overall health.
How About a Time Out for You?
With so much going on, it can be difficult to find time for yourself. Yet making time for yourself can be necessary and beneficial for you and the rest of your family. Spending time alone can give you perspective, new ways to think of things, and a chance to recharge your “batteries”. Create a little oasis for yourself in the backyard, and give yourself the gift of peace with a spa—even if it only lasts half an hour!
If you feel up to it, consider spending time with your spouse—time for the two of you is also important.
Your family is thrust back into high speed when September rolls around. A hot tub will calm you and re-energize you for all that lies ahead. Try making time for a warm soak in your future!
So Go Ahead and Enjoy September!